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Signed on February 20, 2023 at 11:55 AM
Name: Glenn McGee
Rank/Title: Grandson of former Chief: James Jardot

I recently found my grandfather's fire chief hat that belonged to

Signed on April 19, 2019 at 6:54 PM
Name: Nicholas Hugh Jennings
Rank/Title: Firefighter / Public Safety & Rescue SCUBA Diver
Web Address: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nhjennings/
Location: Conshohocken, PA

Hello Woodbridge FD,

Visiting your site from the Philly area. I am the Grandson of Hugh B. Quigley Jr. - your Chief for the 1970 Officer Year. I visited Woodbridge quite often as a child with my grandmother living there until her passing in the early 2000s, and my Aunt still lives nearby in Colonia. Very happy to see that his Chief year photo is displayed in your historical section of the site!

I recently entered the Fire Service primarily as a Rescue Diver serving the Schuylkill River Valley, but have transitioned to Firefighting as well and expect to finish Interior and IFSAC NFPA Fire I next month.

The entire family shares in his Fire Service legacy maintaining mementos of his time with the Department including his Exempt Fireman's Certificate, Chief Stein, both of which I have, and many other items which are distributed throughout the family in NJ, PA, and GA.

Hoping to visit your Department soon with some of the items I have from his time running with Woodbridge and meet some of your Firefighters who share in the legacy.

Best regards,

Nick Jennings
Spring Mill Fire Company No. 1

Signed on January 01, 2019 at 3:15 PM
Name: Andrew Joseph Gerity
Rank/Title: Firefighter
Location: maryland

it was great seeing this web page! seeing the last name Gerity starting back from 1897 and My great Grandfather actually being a part of the being of the fire service, and my Grand father William H Gerity was a chief back in 1964 is awesome!! I have been looking for pictures of him in his uniform!!! thank you !!!

Signed on July 18, 2018 at 2:17 PM
Name: John Aust
Location: Melbourne, FL

Just thought I'd check this site out since my wife Wilma is the daughter of one of your past chiefs, Eldon Raison. I also have a soft spot for the fire service having been a past chief of the Windham Twp. Vol. Fire Dept. in Windham, PA and a volunteer at the City of Madison Fire Dept. in Madison, FL.

Signed on October 13, 2016 at 1:23 PM
Name: Judy Trobliger
Location: New Jersey

Thank you for visiting Lafayette Estates Elementary School earlier this week and for your open house. My son enjoyed both very much. Your demonstration int he trailer at your open house taught me how much my son did and did not know yet. Now I know what I need to work on to keep us all safe. Thank you for the information and all you do for us.

Signed on April 12, 2013 at 7:47 AM
Name: Camille and Steve
Rank/Title: Resident - Metuchen Ave.
Location: Woodbridge, NJ

Just wanted to express our thanks for all you do...seriously.

Signed on December 08, 2012 at 3:21 PM
Name: Joanne Snyder
Rank/Title: Proud mother of a WFD firefighter
Location: Woodbridge, NJ

Our family has been supporters of the department since we moved to Woodbridge 18 years ago. I never knew all the responsibilities the WFD had until my son became a firefighter at District #1. Thank you for all you do and God Bless each one of you.

Signed on June 18, 2012 at 3:07 AM
Name: Charlie Jones

Wonderful site. Really enjoyed the photos. Keep up the great work!

Signed on March 10, 2012 at 6:48 PM
Name: Tommy O'Donnell
Rank/Title: firefighter/ dispatcher
Web Address: www.hmfd.org
Location: Huntington Manor F.D. Long Island N.Y. 11746

Nice Web Site Brothers Very Informative, Come Visit Us On Our Web Site...

Signed on January 20, 2012 at 2:15 PM
Name: Bill
Rank/Title: Past Captain
Location: Former Summitville, NY now SI, NY

So sorry for your lose. I know the feeling and it's not a good one.

Keep strong.


Signed on January 19, 2012 at 5:54 PM
Name: Robert e Herbst
Rank/Title: volunteer Firefighter
Location: station 2 Long beach NY 11561

God bless you bruce for the ultimate sacrifice you have made. I too work for my town and volunteer in the long beach fire department. I just wanted to say may the lord be with you and your family my brother.

Signed on November 24, 2011 at 9:11 PM
Name: Tom Dunigan
Rank/Title: n/a
Location: New Hampshire

My siblings and I have been talking about family stories during this Thanksgiving and my oldest brother Jack, my Dad's name sake, recalled a memory that my dad had one of the early fire station radios/scanners in our home on Columbus Ave. He actually remembers the daily test message. I'm not sure if he really remembered it, but maybe someone reading this will recognize it.

"K-E-G Four Eighty Five, Woodbridge Fire Department testing to all home units. This is a test. One two three four five; five four three two one. End of test. Time: 6:05 PM."

My Dad was Jack Dunigan and served until 1967. I remember the radio in our home, but was to young to recall the test message as my brother did. Great work on your web Site.


Signed on October 14, 2011 at 8:55 PM
Name: Jacqueline Curris Stasik
Location: Charleston, SC

I never got to meet my grandfather - Eldon L. Raison...your chief in 1940. He died in 1964 from a heart attack. He was on his way to fight a fire. I'm one of 37 grandchildren and the daughter of his 13th child...Wilma Jane Raison. (He had 14 children total).
I wish I could have met him, but I was born 3 years later!

Signed on April 17, 2011 at 3:03 AM
Name: tony butlin
Rank/Title: fire fighter
Location: dalkieth brigade, adelaide south australia. sa country fire services

very interesting page, i am looking for brotherly correspondance from fellow fire fighters, or on face book.

cheers for now, stay safe and keep low;

Signed on January 29, 2011 at 5:36 AM
Name: Michael Schmidt
Rank/Title: Hauptfeuerwehrmann
Web Address: none
Location: Recklinghausen / Germany

Hallo Guys!

Good page! Very interssing and informative. Thanks for the link to our page! At present we revise our homepage. In a few weeks woodbridge is promoted on our homepage with link and photos!

Take care !!

Signed on December 23, 2010 at 2:33 PM
Name: Baringhorst, Olaf
Rank/Title: Brandmeister / Lieutenant
Location: Recklinghausen, Germany

Hello firefighters from Woodbridge

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2011.

Signed on December 23, 2010 at 1:28 PM
Name: Michael Schmidt
Rank/Title: Hauptfeuerwehrmann (don`t know my rank in the US is)
Location: Recklinghausen, Germany

Hey Guys!

I wish you and your families calm X-Mas days and all the best for 2011.

Take care!

Michael from Germany

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Woodbridge Fire Department
418 School Street
Woodbridge, NJ 07095

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E-mail: Info@woodbridgefd.org
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