Water Main Work Has Double Benefits
By The Home News Tribune
August 20, 2010

Water-main work being done this month by Middlesex Water Co. will turn out to be a two-for-one deal for residents.

A crew for the Iselin-based water company last week began tearing up pavement near Woodbridge High School. When complete, the upper Barron Avenue neighborhood east of the school will have improved water pressure while the high school driveways and lots will have fewer potholes.

The work was requested by the fire district, which for years has had concerns with hydrant pressure in the area, officials said. The pavement of the property near the high school has also been in bad condition for some time.

Fire Commissioner Ken Gardner, who was involved with early discussions with Middlesex Water, said the project is a good example of a "public-private partnership.'

"If the water company rips up a road to put in a pipe the water company pays to repave,' he said. "The roads around the high school are in terrible condition and the school has no money to pave or fix their drainage problem.'

Photo and Story: The Home News Tribune