Upcoming Events
Fire Prevention Open House
Friday, October 9, 5-8 PM
Woodbridge Fire Department will be hosting an open house during Fire Prevention Week to promote “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep. Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm!” Through these educational, family-oriented activities, residents can learn more about the importance of having a working smoke alarm in every bedroom.
Join us on Friday, October 8 from 5-8 PM. Meet your firefighters and see our apparatus, watch live fire safety demonstrations and videos and learn how to use fire extinguishers. Visit the Middlesex County Fire Prevention trailer. There will be a fire prevention themed magic show and face painting for the kids and Sparky the fire dog will have a meet and greet.
Please bring a non perishable food item for Woodbridge Township's We Feed - Woodbridge Township Bank and get a free hot dog!